
In Annaberg/Niederösterreich geboren, zog diese Sängerin, Poetin und Schauspielerin vor fünf Jahren nach London. Hier gibt's bereits die zweite funky Hörprobe.
Industrial Funk Type Feel
it's a funky "riding in your car or cleaning up your room" feel. It's a fun tune about the yin and yang of love featuring Dominant G from Psychic Phenomena

Skiimo über sich

Zitat: "Born in Austria, Skiimo moved to London 5 years ago and although she has a strong musical background due to her family and upbringing only recently she started to take her passion a step further and stand by her artistry as a future profession. Skiimo is a singer/songwriter who is just about to conquer the playing of her acoustic guitar. The guitar's name: Sweet Mary Jane. Her producer Drew added the title 'The Green Goddess' - what more must I say. Skiimo is all about the vibe. Without the vibe - it just ain't right (her words, not mine)!"


aus Annaberg - NOE/London UK | *5
