Diese dreiköpfige Band aus Linz präsentiert jetzt einen weiteren Song von ihrer Debüt-EP.
WHY-Y 2021
For . Give
If You Can

WHY-Y über sich

The Struggle between having some kind of revenge thoughts towards people, who hurt you and the wish to let go is continuously there, when we experience loss in relationships. The Song is ment as a very personal expression of what forgiveness can do for yourself. It might be the most important way to find yourself again. This song means a lot to us, because of our personal experiences with loss in relationships, even with loss through death. This Song was written, produced and mixed by WHY-Y.

WHY-Y combines electronic and analog sounds with characteristic songwriting to create a clear as well as warm picture.
Being intimate and fierce. At the same time. now and.
drifting off to be sucked in.

Their debut EP ‚be.cause‘ was released on 22.November.2019 and zooms out lyrically: from an individual to a broader perspective: to be cause.


aus Linz | *2019
Mathias Eidenberger
Nadja Bodlak
Tobias Wöhrer

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